Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Caitlyn...you're not like the rest...

I saw the sneak peak of the Vanity Fair issue with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover today.  While she is outrageously stunning and amazingly looks years younger than Bruce, I have issues with Caitlyn becoming a role model/spokesman for the Trans community.  I have no issues with her coming out...but c'mon...there is not one part of Bruce's transformation to Caitlyn that is on the level with what most Trans people go through.  I don't doubt that Bruce lived a lie for years, and there was turmoil...however, in the midst of that turmoil he had a very large loving family, millions and millions of dollars and a huge celebrity status.  He has children from 3 marriages, has experienced loving relationships as a man, and is now receiving a whole world of support from family, loved ones, and friends as Caitlyn.  Bruce had even expressed that while the participation in sports was a way to run away from the feelings inside...he still enjoyed participating in sports and was proud to represent the country as an Olympian.  I don't think he suffered life debilitating suicidal depression,  was shunned by all his loved ones, was bullied, mocked or abused.  He didn't have to struggle to save for any surgeries, therapy, hormones, or anything else that helped him transition.  I commend Caitlyn for coming out and agree that she should live how she has always felt.  And yes, by all means, be a celebrity advocate for the Trans community...however, I hope that she doesn't ever try to say that she's been where the majority of Trans people have been.  There are so many people in the Trans community that are living the life they should live as the woman or the man they are inside...yet they didn't get to come out on Vanity Fair in a dress that most people couldn't afford.  They didn't have professionals to do their hair and make up and they certainly didn't have Annie Leibovitz taking their picture.  They have lived through years of self doubt, bullying, abuse, and depression with no support from anyone.  While I am sure that Caitlyn did experience many of the same emotional battles...she hasn't suffered the ridicule and shaming that many do. They have spent much of their life feeling alone and many that do finally come out as who they truly are are cast out by their families and face a barrage of abuse that leads to suicide.  Many are teens with zero help. The struggle for the Trans community and the LGBT community has been long, difficult, and they are still miles away from being accepted the way that they should.  I don't want to diminish anyone's Trans journey - I just don't know if many people in the Trans community could ever have the experience that Caitlyn is having.

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